terrestris GmbH & Co. KG

Mobile Web Applications with GeoExt Mobile (GXM)

Table Of Contents

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4.1. Create an empty panel

Next topic

4.3. Interact with the map on item-tap in the list

4.2. Add a FeatureList of digitized geometries

Let’s replace the bogus panel now with a GXM Component. Enter GXM.FeatureList.

4.2.1. Creating a FeatureList

A GXM.FeatureList can be configured with a olLayer-option, which tells the component it shall render a list of all the features in that particular layer:

var featureList = Ext.create('GXM.FeatureList', {
    olLayer: redliningLayer,
    title: 'Redlining'

And don’t forget to add the list to the TabPanel:

var tabPanel = Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
    items: [

4.2.2. Tasks


  1. Add the above snippets at the appropriate places in your code
  2. Open the working application in your web browser: workshop_url/user/my-tasks/features.html

If all went well you application should look like this


Digitized features displayed in a FeatureList (standard template)

4.2.3. Configuring the FeatureList

The list is fully functional, but it displays its features in a probably undesired fashion. You usually want to have a different representation of your features, than the default textual represenattion of the features’ geometries.

The GXM.FeatureList accepts an itemTpl-configuration which handles the visual representation of the elements managed in the list.

Here is an example that renders features differently:

var featureList = Ext.create('GXM.FeatureList', {
    olLayer: redliningLayer,
    title: 'Redlining',
    itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
        '{[this.renderFeatureListItem(values.feature)]}', {
            renderFeatureListItem: function(feature){
                var geom = feature.geometry,
                    type = geom.CLASS_NAME.substr(
                        geom.CLASS_NAME.lastIndexOf('.') + 1
                    addInfo = '';
                    if (type === 'Polygon') {
                        addInfo += ", Area " +
                            geom.getArea().toFixed(5) + 'sq°';
                    } else if (type === 'LineString') {
                        addInfo += ", Length " +
                            geom.getLength().toFixed(5) + '°';
                return Ext.String.format('{0}-Feature {1}', type, addInfo);

4.2.4. Tasks


  1. Add the above snippet at the appropriate place in your code
  2. Open the working application in your web browser: workshop_url/user/my-tasks/features.html

If all went well you application should look like this


Digitized features displayed with a non-standard itemTpl

4.2.5. Next Steps

In the next section we’ll add some interaction with the list: we’ll do something, when listitems are tapped.