terrestris GmbH & Co. KG

Mobile Web Applications with GeoExt Mobile (GXM)

Table Of Contents

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3.2. Redlining Buttons

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4. GXM Vector-Features

3.3. Geolocation

First we’ll need to create a control that makes use of the HTML5 Geolocation-API:

// Geolocation control
var ctrlGeolocation = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
    bind : false,
    watch : false,
    geolocationOptions : {
        enableHighAccuracy : false,
        maximumAge : 0,
        timeout : 7000

// add some event listeners to the control, getting a devices location is
// asynchronous!
    function(e) {
        // implement something usefull
        Ext.Msg.alert('loc update', 'Do something with location');

    function(e) {
        // implement something usefull
        Ext.Msg.alert('loc fail', 'show error message');

    function(e) {
        // implement something usefull
        Ext.Msg.alert('loc uncapable', 'give hints');

The above control can be added to a GXM-Button just like the ones we created earlier.

3.3.1. Tasks


  1. Add the above snippets at the appropriate places in your code
  2. Add the code to create a button managing the control and add it to your toolbar
  3. Open the working application in your web browser: workshop_url/user/my-tasks/buttons.html

If all went well you application should look like this


The application after it got a location on an iPad